You can find here texts and workshopplans.
Please enjoy, but don't forget to mention where you found them.
And the workshops were....
Team 1
( Jean Agten Belgium and Tineke Dronkert Netherlands) We connected Jonah’s journey with our own journey. Parallel to the depths of the sea in which Jonah is thrown, we explored our own queeste of life. We used creative expressions: we danced, we built the skeleton of the fish, we filled our suitcases with precious symbols that indicate our life and we played short sketches. In this learning process we looked for new “pieces” that lead us to inner peace and peace in our world. Workshop plans and information: ich_gehe_und_gehe_1.docx programme_workshop_i_1.docx programme_workshop_ii_1.docx programme_workshop_iii.docx programme_workshop_iv.docx spiral_dances_and_the_jonah_story.docx Team 2 Ditty Dokter UK/Holland and Helene Isborn ( Sweden) Web of life: war and peace These workshops start from working with the body and breath, moving indoors and outdoors to interact with each other and with nature. People are encouraged to work together to weave "pieces of peace" with natural yarns and with natural objects found in the forest round the centre. In the four workshops we will interweave Jonah's story through the stages of rebellion, imprisonment and rescue, pleading and forgiveness, grievance and being heard. Images, both woven and bodily images ( Auguste Boal's 'Image theatre'), aim to connect our present with "the peoples of the past living in the cities underneath the earth" (Jonah 2). Original workshopplans . They changed during conference w_1_pop_2017.doc w_2_pop_2017.doc w_3_pop_2017.doc w_4_pop_2017__2_.doc |
Team 3
Anja Steighorst ( Germany) and Cocky Fortuyn-van der Spek ( Holland) Moving on the way of Jona We will follow Jona on his way, on the ship, in high waves, deep darkness and explore his perspective on different ways. We will use creative forms of bibliodrama, with special attention for body-centered forms of bibliodrama. You will also discover how pictures of scenes in the book of Jona can inspire as to experience the role of Jonah. Welcome to this voyage! Team 4 Dr. Bas Van den Berg ( Holland) and David Tatem ( UK) Playing Jonah The workshop will explore the story of Jonah following the four stages told in the four chapters. It will explore his personal experience and relationship with God (and Ninevah!) and in so doing help us to explore our own and the application of the story today. Looking through Jewish as well as Christian eyes it will mostly use bibliodramatic enactment alongside other forms of creative expression. Conversion, change, reconciliation and peace (shalom) are themes of the workshop too, assisted by the essential humor of the story. Een reflectie en binnenkijken in de workshop |

We like to share
the texts
the music
and the ideas of
the morning prayers.
When you use elements or ideas,
it would be nice to mention where you got it.
And perhaps you can send us a little message.
the texts
the music
and the ideas of
the morning prayers.
When you use elements or ideas,
it would be nice to mention where you got it.
And perhaps you can send us a little message.
Morning prayers

ForPeace is "to do"... TEXTS and SONGS
Since we were staying in the region were 100 years ago soldiers of countries from all over the world were meeting each other in a very hard and long war, we chose for the theme of peace, forgiveness an reconciliation.
The book of Jonah was our guide.
We visited a British and German war cemetery and called out the names of people who were killed on both sites.
We learned about the war in the Flanders Fields museum and made our little statue as one of the 600 000 for the Coming World Remember Me Project.
And after the Last Post we had our own Peace prayer...
Poppies on a bed of green ...
For the songs:
For the closing service:
For the texts:
Since we were staying in the region were 100 years ago soldiers of countries from all over the world were meeting each other in a very hard and long war, we chose for the theme of peace, forgiveness an reconciliation.
The book of Jonah was our guide.
We visited a British and German war cemetery and called out the names of people who were killed on both sites.
We learned about the war in the Flanders Fields museum and made our little statue as one of the 600 000 for the Coming World Remember Me Project.
And after the Last Post we had our own Peace prayer...
Poppies on a bed of green ...
For the songs:
For the closing service:
For the texts: